1 | RDT-PT-50 | Phosphoplastin RL | Thromboplastin Kit | 10 x 5 mL | |
2 | RDT-APTT-50 | Phospholin ES | APTT Reagent & 0.025 M Calcium Chloride | 5 x 5 mL each | |
3 | RDT-PCN-10 | PlasmaCon N | Normal Control | 10 x 1 mL | |
4 | RDT-PCL1-10 | PlasmaCon L-1 | Abnormal Control L-1 | 10 x 1 mL | |
5 | RDT-PCL2-10 | PlasmaCon L-2 | Abnormal Control L-2 | 10 x 1 mL | |
6 | RDT-ARN-10 | PlasmaRef ARN | Assayed Reference Plasma | 10 x 1 mL | |
7 | RDT-ARL-10 | PlasmaRef ARL-2 | Assayed Reference Plasma L2 | 10 x 1 mL | |
8 | RDT-F2-10 | NoFact IIi | Factor II Immunodepleted | 10 x 1 mL | |
9 | RDT-F5-10 | NoFact Vi | Factor V Immunodepleted | 10 x 1 mL | |
10 | RDT-F7-10 | NoFact VIIi | Factor VII Immunodepleted | 10 x 1 mL | |
11 | RDT-F8-10 | NoFact VIIIi | Factor VIII Immunodepleted | 10 x 1 mL | |
12 | RDT-F9-10 | NoFact IXi | Factor IX Immunodepleted | 10 x 1 mL | |
13 | RDT-F10-10 | NoFact Xi | Factor X Immunodepleted | 10 x 1 mL | |
14 | RDT-F11-10 | NoFact XIi | Factor XI Immunodepleted | 10 x 1 mL | |
15 | RDT-F12-10 | NoFact XIIi | Factor XII Immunodepleted | 10 x 1 mL | |
16 | RDT-PS-80 | ThromboTek PSe | Protein S Kit | 80-160 Determinations | |
17 | RDT-LUD-20 | LupoTek DetecTin VL | Low Phospholipid Screening Test for Lupus Anticoagulants | 10 x 2 mL | |
18 | RDT-LUC-20 | LupoTek CorrecTin VL | High Phospholipid Test for Lupus Anticoagulants | 10 x 1 mL | |
19 | RDT-LUK-25 | LupoTek KCT | Test for Anticoagulants | 5 x 5 mL reagent | |
20 | RDT-DDT-500 | D-Dimer | D-Dimer kit | 500 test (5 set) | |
21 | RDT-DDC-05 | D-Dimer cal | Calibrator for D-Dimer kit | one unit | |
22 | RDT-PC-30 | Protein C | Protein C Kit | 30-60 T | |
23 | RDT-FDP-100 | FDP | Fibrinogen Degradation Products | 100 T | |
24 | RDT-FIB-100 | FibroTek FIB | Fibrinogen Kit | 100 Determinations | |
25 | RDT-CLA-10 | PlasmaCON LA | Abnormal Control Plasma for Lupus anticoagulants | 10 x 1 mL | |
26 | RDT-TT-10 | T-TEK | Thrombin Time | 10 x 1 mL | |
27 | RDT-APCR-20 | APC-R Factor V Leiden | Determination of resistance to activated Protein C by Factor V Leiden mutation | 20 T | |